Responsible For Nature
Levert Arts & Crafts Co.Ltd


Sustainability Pillars

LEVERT ARTS & CRAFTS, is a global producer, marketer and designer of Cast Iron arts & Crafts products, for home and garden decor. This is the purpose of our business. Fulfilling this purpose day by day, we work together with different people from all over the world, use thousands of different raw materials, water, energy and many other resources.


As an enterprise comes along with the Covid-19 Pandemic , we are committed to acting long-term and with responsibility in mind. Our focus and our actions respect the principles of sustainability. We understand sustainability to be an opportunity to balance economical, ecological and social issues, in order to achieve and guarantee long-term and lasting success. In pursuing these principles effectively and engaging our customers and partners to do the same, we focus on four pillars

Our sustainability commitments sit across three key pillars




Boosting local livelihoods through absorbing disabled,aged,poverty local people to work, and provide economic, mental aids. Encourage local employment

Protecting Human Rights

Ensuring social compliance through internationally-recognized standards                                                                    

Treating all employees equally

Acting responsible in the supply chain

Ensuring employee welfare through an integrated health & safety system                                 

Steadily increasing our internal knowledge base




Keeping the company economically healthy through achieving our BLUE PLANET 2035 targets

Ensuring products safety & quality

Achieving profits & growth sustainability

Constantly increase the share of sustainability sourced raw materials

Fair trading between our suppliers and customers

Improving customer satisfaction

Performing steady R&D creativity to satisfy customer needs and to foster sustainability




Insisting using the recycled iron material

Improving Eco-efficiency alongside our value chain                       

Using less energy & water/Producing less CO2

Increasing yield and reducing waste。                             

Reducing the environmental impact of transports


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